The Crossroads of DMT and The Monroe Institute
The Crossroads of DMT and The Monroe Institute
Consciousness Expansion and the Next Progressive in Human Evolution
Please note: Out of respect and reverence for the Monroe Institute, I did not use DMT at any point on my road trip to Virginia or while on campus. The Monroe Institute has a strict no-drugs, no-alcohol policy.
Enveloped in a vibratory hum of audible energy, and with my consciousness elevated to an almost psychedelic state; I stand at the metaphysical crossroads of DMT and The Monroe Institute; holding a modern compass that can help guide the human species back home to its ancestral homelands of love, gratitude, and connection to Source. I stand there, astonished, knowing that my mission is complete. My goal was to compare my numerous DMT sessions with the week-long Gateway Voyage program to see if there are any similarities. The hope was to find a correlation between two of the most mind-blowing, perspective-shattering, and transcendental experiences currently known to man and to somehow combine the lessons learned from each. However, the master plan was to see if I could learn more about self-knowledge and self-love and then share that message with as many people as possible.Ā I also wanted to offer solace to those who were battling their inner demons, healing from trauma, processing loss, and especially contemplating suicide as I once did.
Arriving at The Monroe Institute on that beautiful November afternoon was a dream come true. I had heard about Robert Monroe and his Hemi-Sync technology and was instantly fascinated. His personal story and his scientific approach to studying altered states of consciousness were highly compelling and aligned with my own out-of-body explorations. After having multiple out-of-body experiences (OBEs), Monroe dedicated his life to trying to understand this phenomenon, and his work and research continue today via his namesake The Monroe Institute, which was founded in 1971. Its purpose is “advancing the global awakening of consciousness”, and for over 50 years the institute has been a leading center for “exploring and experiencing expanded states of consciousness”. They use binaural sound frequencies at specific wavelengths combined with deep meditation practices to achieve altered states of consciousness, including separation of the non-physical self from the material body and allowing for interactions with non-physical beings.
It is difficult to describe what a DMT experience “feels” like.Ā However, anyone familiar with this powerful psychedelic will appreciate how important vibration, sound, and frequency are as you journey into the DMT realms. There are dramatic shifts in the vibrations within and around your body, as well as humming and buzzing sounds associated with each level of conscious ascension. With each hit, your mind expands as the frequencies change, and you become more than your physical body. DMT entities and spiritual beings present themselves when you become comfortable resonating at their frequencies. You can, and will, have out-of-body experiences if you utilize DMT with that intention, and the lessons you learn in these elevated states can have transformative effects.
Adam Butler
There seemed to be many similarities between what I was experiencing with my DMT-saturated consciousness and what others who use Robert Monroe’s technology reported experiencing. I wanted to find out for myself, which is how I found myself walking up a hill towards the house he used to live in, standing next to the crossroad signs of Mimosa Ln and Roberts Mtn Rd.
I would not be on this planet today without the transformational power of DMT. I can honestly say that it played a major role in saving my life, so I’m passionate about trying to understand its miraculous powers and excited to explore the far-out dimensions into which my mind and body can vibrate. That being said, DMT is not for everyone, and I am not suggesting that anyone should use DMT. All of the benefits that I have received from using DMT can be achieved by other means, and that is why I felt it was important to write this paper. I know the techniques I have used for my spiritual growth journey will not be the same that most people would follow.Ā However, after personally experiencing, as well as witnessing in 25 others, the life-changing and mystically powerful effects of Robert Monroe’s technology, I am very comfortable saying that both paths lead to the same beautiful mountaintop of elevated vibratory bliss.
Related: The Psychedelic Scene Podcast with Adam Butler
The meandering path to self-knowledge and self-love will be different for everybody, and there are no shortcuts or magic pills, but there are some universal truths that are crucial to remember if we are to heal our hearts, souls, and shared planet. Not everyone will saturate their consciousness with DMT like I have nor be as fortunate as I was to spend a week in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia with a group of spiritual and energetic rockstars.Ā However, the most profound insights I have gained from my experiences, Ā corroborated by others well-versed in psychedelic hieroglyphs and Hemi-Sync focus levels, are accessible to everyone. You donāt need a bong rip of the āspirit moleculeā, or need to zone out to binaural beats to be exposed to this cosmic curriculum. You need to quiet your mind and look within. And with that, let the hippy-dippy woo-woo shit begin. Itās only going to get more hyperbolic and wackier from here. I will channel the ambiance of the esoteric classic book Etidorhpa (which I was reading the week I was there and corresponded eerily to several guided meditations) and intentionally weave fantasy and reality with iridescent language to help expand the ideas hoping to be conveyed. I thank you in advance for the creative freedom to express this complex message through the lens of my very weird, and highly altered consciousness.
Many of these individual topics would require volumes of books to even begin to describe the concepts, and shelves of these volumes to contextualize how they relate to our species’ next step in our evolutionary travels. For the sake of brevity, and to maximize the number of data points, I will break my comparison down into ten main categories and follow them up with some supportive statements. I highly recommend taking the time and energy to expose yourself to as much literature, as many lectures, and as much learning on the aspects of these subjects that resonate most with you. There are many great books written by Robert Monroe and others about Robert Monroe and his brain hemisphere synchronization technology and programs.Ā To anyone who is exploring their own consciousness and mystical powers, this information will be very enlightening. There are also many great books about DMT and other psychedelics, which I suggest reading if this topic is of interest to you. For the other more ethereal and non-corporeal elements of my following summary, I suggest trusting your intuition.Ā By being mindful of the synchronicities that reveal themselves, the sources of the needed information will present themselves to you.
Adam Butler
The following are realizations that DMT and The Gateway Voyage allow you to experience and integrate into your daily lives. If we all expanded our consciousness and incorporated the following beliefs and perspectives on life, we could not only heal ourselves, but we could heal the collective soul and save the planet as well. Here are my DMT and Hemi-Sync saturated beliefs. Each of the following concepts was substantiated and experienced using each method independently.
- You are more than your physical body.
This is more than just a slogan. Once you understand that your physical body is just one of many vibratory phases you can experience, you begin to realize/remember just how powerful you are, and that your interaction with this world goes far beyond our five senses. Whether it is having an out-of-body experience (OBE), astral projecting, remote viewing, lucid dreaming, a near-death experience, or a breakthrough blast of DMT to transport you to alien dimensions, we not only can dial up our “normal” senses but, with practice, we can also recover and cultivate new sensory abilities. We are all capable of magic and have talents and capabilities that extend far beyond our material bodies.
- Everything is energy/vibration
All information is conveyed through vibration. From the cosmic to the quantum scale, everything is connected to a universal energy field. Each bit of information, each color, each sound, each wavelength of every spectrum, every thought, each atom, each star, every moment in time (past or future), everything is expressed in some unique combination of energy vibrations. Once you understand this concept; you realize that many vibrations can be manipulated and controlled and recognize that sensors/senses can be established to pick up on these vibrations– if given the proper time and energy to locate and enhance them. It becomes obvious that you can manifest your reality, travel to different dimensions, play with time, communicate with non-human beings, and tap into other levels of consciousness where extraordinary information is accessible.
Adam Butler
- Self-knowledge leads to self-love, which will lead to love of your neighbor.
Know thyself. Paramount to any other practice, take the time and set the intention to know yourself. Once you can understand and appreciate all aspects of yourself, including the scars and warts, you can truly learn to love yourself. Your understanding and love of self will allow for sympathy, empathy, acceptance, and ultimately love of others. This love will easily and naturally spread from person to household to community to state to country and the entire globe. Being comfortable in your own skin, and living in a state of self-perpetuating gratitude are key ingredients to a happy and healthy life.
- Aliens, ghosts, DMT entities, and ānon-corporeal energy formsā are real.
When the veil has been lifted, the extra-sensory perceptions increased and refined, and your body has been trained to resonate and vibrate at the appropriate frequencies, you will experience and interact with some weird shit and other-worldly beings. Once you know that non-human beings are coexisting with you and that you can exchange information with these beings; you can gain access to knowledge and insight that will help guide your path, as well as make your life significantly more interesting and exciting.
- We are all one, we are all facets of Source.
Whatever you want to call itā¦. God, the Absolute, Universal Energy, Source, etc, we all originated from the same “stuff”. We are all unique representations and individual facets of a greater “something”. Each will have our own subjective understanding and personal relationship with this energy field. This connection is innate and extremely powerful. As soon as it is internalized that you and everyone around you are an integral part of some beautiful whole, you start treating yourself and your fellow humans with the respect and love that we all deserve. Doing what is in the greatest good for you, your friends and family, and the universe becomes easy and natural.
- We are never alone.
Whether it is family, friends, random strangers, metaphysical ghosts, aliens, or entities, we are never alone. Non-corporeal interactions might seem a bit creepy, but we all need the help, wisdom, and protection given to us by others. We can harness the vibrations, information, and power of the people, animals, and plants in our environment, but we can also do the same with our “friends” who live in different times, spaces, and dimensions. Our journey becomes more meaningful, joyful, and exciting when you blend your energy and love with resonating and reciprocal high-vibration forces. Learning how to tune your body to receive and interact with those beings is a practice that will vastly enrich your life and multiply your abilities. They will be there to laugh during the times of light and to help during the periods of darkness.
Adam Butler
- It’s natural, innate, and endogenous.
An important aspect of self-knowledge is that you learn how truly magical and mighty we humans are. Physiologically elevating our vibration, expanding our consciousness, and increasing our connection to the Source occurs naturally, innately, and endogenously. DMT is naturally produced in our bodies and throughout the animal and plant kingdoms, and the Focus levels of the Hemi-Sync programs can be self-induced with intentional meditation and practice. Yes, it is true that “we are more than our physical bodies”, but our physical bodies are incredibly complex, divine, and powerful. In learning to love yourself, you discover how beautiful of a vessel this human mind and body is. This beauty is everywhere and in everyone, you just have to vibrate at the correct frequency to tune into it. We have the answers to our own internal questions, we have the solutions to our problems, and we hold the keys to unlock our greatest superpowers. We simply have to look within.
- Other-worldly realms and alternate dimensions are real and ever-present.
Experiencing Earth through the lens of the human biological body is an experience that we should be honored and grateful for. There are innumerable features, locations, and scientific teachings that we have yet to explore on this planet, and we can research them by simply using our five senses. But there is also much more practical information, ontological meaning, and enlightening mysticism in the other realms and dimensions that present themselves when you elevate and match their vibrational constructs. There are many different levels or layers of these ālocationsā, but I assure you, they are real and ever-present. Like any sport, instrument, game, or hobby, the more you practice and understand the fundamentals from a holistic point of view, the more you will be able to master the techniques and skill sets needed to become a learned voyager amongst the unknown and mysterious. The lessons learned in these spaces can be life-changing, or even life-saving.
Courtesy of Atlas Obscura
- Repair of trauma, processing loss, and putting fear into perspective.
This goes hand in hand with self-knowledge, but it is worthy of further elaboration in the context of psychedelics and The Gateway Voyage at The Monroe Institute. Trauma and loss will happen to all of us.Ā How we use it to understand and grow ourselves is where the life-changing power reveals itself. Creating the proper compartment in our brains to process and integrate difficult situations is a crucial step in our evolution. We can quiet down the emotions that may have triggered us in the past, we can adjust how we react to things as they are happening, and we can refine our ability to integrate the unpleasant phases and elements of our lives. The seeds of artistic creativity, unique expression, and authentic rawness will flourish and grow in the bullshit of your pastā¦ you just have to realize they are seeds and not turds.
- Next progressive step in human evolution.
Our species has amazing potential to transcend the perceived limitations of time, space, and physical matter. We have the inherent ability to communicate with spirits, connect to a universal intelligence, transverse dimensions, and manipulate time. We do manifest our reality, and we can positively alter the course of our futures, as well as that of the collective society. We can learn to live in the vibration of love, intuition, and connection. We can achieve a level of self-knowledge, and knowledge of others that allows for a harmonious and cohesive existence based on mutual admiration and respect of our planet. Most people use only a small percentage of their mental, physical, and spiritual abilities, and many do not know they can harness the powers that go beyond our normal waking state of reality. We as a species cannot afford to keep limiting ourselves, hurting others, and poisoning our Earth. We need an increase in awareness and a shift in perspective. The insights and experiences that can be initiated by exploring the outer boundaries of consciousness are where we will find the guideposts and travel companions that will assist in the much-needed next progressive steps in human evolution.
Photo of author Adam Butler
After comparing a week-long retreat of deep meditation using the Hemi-Sync technology with the countless DMT sessions and profound breakthroughs into alien realms, my conclusion is that they both can be transformational and transcendent and will give you 100% conviction that the ten topics just outlined are valid. There are many important differences between both pathways, and I am happy to discuss them further at any point.Ā Ultimately, though, they lead to the same metaphorical mountaintop. They both allow you to know yourself, love yourself, love your neighbors, and love your planet in an easy, natural way. They both alter your physiology to adopt a default mode of gratitude, grace, acceptance, and joy. In each methodology, it is important to have a safe environment and supportive intentions, and it is helpful to have a trainer or guide who has manifested similar vibrations and can provide feedback. Once the veil has been lifted; when the mind, body, and soul are in congruence, and when the antennas of our consciousness have been upgraded to be able to absorb and understand a much larger spectrum of frequencies, then we can start moving towards the healing that we all yearn for and seek.
Also by Adam Butler: Sex and DMT
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1 thought on “The Crossroads of DMT and The Monroe Institute”
Could you please go deeper into your experiences with both and how they differ?