Released in November 1971, Journey to the Centre of the Eye is a sci-fi concept album by German progressive psychedelic band Nektar.
- William Faulk
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The Bubble is a Delaware music collective that just released its debut album Swimming, which they started working on 30 years ago.
- Brian Kuhar
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Harry Springer, the force behind Moon Walker, creates a big sound from his bedroom studio on third album Apocalypticism.
- Rob Cavenagh
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The Who Sell Out is a concept album that skewers the advertising industry with radio jingles between their songs, which include the classic "I Can See for Miles" as well as psychedelic standouts "Odorono" and "Armenia City in the Sky".
- Ariel Christopher
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Chilean psych musician Francisco "KB" Cabala of Chicos de Nazca and formerly of La Hell Gang opens up about moving to Berlin and making the new album Freshera.
- Bill Kurzenberger
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Beverly Pepper, a 1990 EP by psych-rockers The Marshmallow Overcoat, holds a special place in the heart of writer Bill Kurzenberger.
- Jason LeValley
Psychedelic Scene speaks to Barry 'the Fish" Melton of legendary psychedelic band Country Joe and the Fish about being a rock star in the 60s, psychedelic drugs, and which modern-day music artists he likes.
- Jason LeValley
Part One was The West Coast Pop Art Experimental Band's second album, but is often considered their first given that it was their major label debut.