The author posits that people may be seeking wholeness when turning to substances that offer non-ordinary states of consciousness.
- Rev Dr Jessica Rochester
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- KM Schaeffer
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Dive into the ancient tradition of using psychedelic plants for spiritual and medicinal purposes with our comprehensive exploration of the Iboga Ceremony.
- Sandra Blemster
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The Bangles' 60's-inspired debut album, All Over the Place, came out 40 years ago and continues to influence.
- Allie Iverson
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The concert posters of the 1960s, particularly those by Rick Griffin, Stanley Mouse, Victor Morosco, and Wes Wilson, stand out for their intricate artwork, psychedelic imagery, and intense color schemes.
- KM Schaeffer
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More and more people are seeking out 5-MeO-DMT to heal their traumas and quell their depression. So what is it and where does it come from?
- Brian Kuhar
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In this elegant eulogy of the late singer Damo Suzuki, writer Brian Kuhar reflects on what the mostly unheralded musical legend meant to him.
- Tess Young
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The author explains how an unexpected ayahuasca trip led to her gaining a new perspective and feeling happier and healthier in body and mind.
- Brian Lissak
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Discover the transformative power of integration in personal growth as the author shares their journey to embrace both positive and negative emotions, highlighting the importance of observing and integrating emotional experiences for genuine healing and a holistic approach to well-being.