Shiny Joe Ryan is an accomplished musician and a psychedelic rock icon whose band Pond has made a splash worldwide.
- Bill Kurzenberger with Jason LeValley
This article attempts to answer the million-dollar question: What is it that makes psychedelic music psychedelic?
- Michael Antonio Pagano
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The author describes an experience in which he and his girlfriend took a psychedelic trip with other people across the country together on Zoom.
- Emily Adair
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Released on March 1st, 1973, Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon is an undisputed masterpiece that is celebrating its 50th anniversary today.
- Katie Moseley
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The author seeks healing and clarity and finds them in her journey with kambo, the secretion of the Giant Green Monkey Tree Frog of the Amazon.
- Jason LeValley, Bill Kurzenberger, Rob Cavenagh, Emily Adair, Alex Harvey
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In 2022, we reviewed 13 albums within the psychedelic music wheelhouse. Here's a quick review of those albums with a letter grade assigned.
- Cristian Meteor
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Author Christian Meteor describes his experience with DMT, the spirit molecule.
- Jason LeValley
Psychedelic rock had a presence in the 90s but remained under the radar throughout the decade--except for the critical and commercial success of The Flaming Lips.
- KM Schaeffer
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The author reveals how DMT helped him cope with a breakup and find self-love.