The Psych Ward–Elephant’s Memory
Elephant’s Memory started off as a bunch of eccentric New York City buskers before catching the interest of John and Yoko and releasing their self-titled debut.
Elephant’s Memory started off as a bunch of eccentric New York City buskers before catching the interest of John and Yoko and releasing their self-titled debut.
In the 2010 sci-fi horror film Beyond the Black Rainbow, a young woman under heavy sedation tries to escape from a secluded, quasi-futuristic commune.
Thank Christ for the Bomb is a mostly forgotten gem of poignant psychedelic blues-rock that sounds fresher than you might imagine.
The Doors second album Strange Days is a superbly executed psychedelic rock gem that includes multiple classic rock standards and Jim Morrison’s iconic shamanic swagger.
No Mind Vol. 1 by Santa Cruz up-and-comers Supernaut is a heavy instrumental romp that emulates a psychedelic journey.
Of Montreal’s The Gay Parade is a neo-psychedelic pop masterpiece that established the band (namely Kevin Barnes) as an act of rare talent.
Harry Pack is a British multi-media artist whose surreal depictions of alternate dimensions aim to engage and activate the unconscious mind of the viewer.
Olivia Tremor Control celebrates the release of their seminal psychedelic pop album Black Foliage: Animation Music Volume One today on its 25th birthday!
Neuroplasticity underlies various cognitive processes, including learning and memory, and plays a crucial role in recovery from brain injury, as well as in the formation of habits and behaviors.
The Amboy Dukes, led by anti-drug guitarist Ted Nugent, made an album whose one hit was an apparent ode to psychedelics.