Was Moses tripping on DMT?
- Benjamin "Benji" Watson
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The author discusses the power of the individual and the individual's role in creating positive global change.
- Mark Johnson
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Mark Johnson ponders the very meaning of psychedelia
- Benjamin "Benji" Watson
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The author laments the current world crisis and says it's time for a revolution.
- Michael Mallozzi, PhD.
University researcher finds healing and happiness in Costa Rica's ayahuasca culture.
- Jason LeValley with Bill Kurzenberger and Rob Cook
Psychedelic Scene lays it out with the Top 100 Psychedelic Rock Artists of All Time
- Jason LeValley
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One thing we’ve noticed about the Rock n' Roll Hall of Fame is that it overdoes it in terms of inclusiveness.
- Jason LeValley
John Lennon's transformation from abuser of women to advocate for non-violence was most likely cultivated by his use of LSD.
- Jason LeValley
Acid rock is a heavy type of rock music with psychedelic influences. Musicians of this genre create sonic
textures that culminate in a psychedelic effect, sometimes unintentionally, with the sound of their instruments
or the interplay between two or more instruments.